5 principles of a healthy diet

SUBSCRIBE | SHOP THE BOOKSTORE SUBSCRIBE | SHOP THE BOOKSTORE 5 principles of a healthy diet What’s the healthiest way to eat? It depends on who you ask. Many medical and nutrition experts claim to know the “perfect” way to eat for health, yet some of these dietary advocates disagree with each other in some […]

Tap into the amazing healing power of yoga

Tap into the Amazing Healing Power of Yoga! You can improve your strength, balance, flexibility, and your health! Inside Introduction to Yoga, you’ll discover: ✓ 4 easy yoga practices—including one for beginners ✓ 29 yoga moves with modifications so you can work at your level ✓ Photos and written instructions to ensure you do each […]

Is cosmetic surgery right for you?

SUBSCRIBE | SHOP THE BOOKSTORE SUBSCRIBE | SHOP THE BOOKSTORE Is cosmetic surgery right for you? The desire to become fitter, “more attractive,” younger versions of ourselves has fueled a multibillion-dollar-a-year cosmetic surgery industry. But whether cosmetic surgery is right for you depends on what you hope to gain from having a procedure. While cosmetic […]

Tips to change your night-owl lifestyle

  WEEK IN REVIEW Tips to change your night-owl lifestyle Do you naturally stay up until the wee hours and sleep late in the morning? Do you feel more creative, productive, or focused in the afternoon or evening than you do in the morning? If so, you’re probably a “night owl.” That’s the opposite of […]

How to Stop Foot Pain in its Tracks

Stop foot pain in its tracks Learn about the research. Discover your options. Experience a healthy difference. Inside your special report: ✓ Your Aging Feet ✓ Heels that Hurt ✓ Aching Arches and Flat Feet ✓ Tormented Toes ✓ Missteps and Mishaps: Foot Injuries ✓ Skin and Toenail Problems ✓ Health Conditions that Affect Your […]

What you need to know about UTIs from Harvard medical experts

What you need to know about UTIs from Harvard medical experts Dear Reader, While UTIs are the most common infection in the United States, there are surprising facts you may not know — facts that could help you prevent this condition or facts that could prevent you from getting proper treatment. If you’ve experienced a […]

Exercising with knee or hip pain

Exercising with knee or hip pain If you deal with knee and hip pain, it may be time to up your exercise game. More than just a good health habit, exercise is also an effective treatment for many knee and hip problems. And exercises that can strengthen muscles supporting knees and hips can be especially […]

Discover the Healing Power of Tai Chi.

Discover the Healing Power of Tai Chi — The Ancient Secret to a Healthier, Happier Life Boost your balance … Ease your pain … Reduce your stress … Strengthen your heart … and more! Your Special Health Report includes: ✓ Basic techniques for better breathing ✓ Proper posture the tai chi way ✓ More than 125 detailed, how-to photos ✓ […]

4 ways to eat your way to lower cholesterol

  4 ways to eat your way to lower cholesterol Many people can lower their cholesterol levels simply by changing what they eat. For example, eating less meat (and leaner cuts) and more vegetables, fruits, and whole grains can potentially lower your total cholesterol by 25% or more. Get your copy of Cholesterol Managing Your […]

Tai Chi: DO try this at home!

Improve balance and flexibility… Ease pain… Strengthen your heart… Reduce stress and more with Tai Chi! Learn anytime, anywhere! Access your Introduction to Tai Chi course whenever it’s convenient for you from your smartphone, laptop, tablet, or desktop computer. Tai chi is great for people of all ages and the videos and slides make it […]

Get Unlimited Access to the Most Trusted Online Health Information

OUR BEST OFFER EVER Get Unlimited Access to the Most Trusted Name in Online Health Information Dear Reader, I have good news. You’ve been selected to receive a Premier Membership with unlimited access to Harvard Health Online — the most trusted source of health information available today — at 50% OFF. It’s an unbeatable offer that may never […]

Interactive tool helps improve mind and memory!

…and enjoy a BETTER Memory…BETTER Concentration…BETTER Problem-Solving Ability…and protection from the ravages of dementia You can access the Cognitive Fitness course whenever you want from your smart phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer. Easy login and simple-to-navigate screens make this online course perfect for adults of all ages. Dear Reader, Who doesn’t hope to develop and […]

Discover 5 of the best exercises you can ever do

      5 of the best exercises you can ever do If you’re not an athlete or serious exerciser — and you just want to work out for your health or to fit in your clothes better — the gym scene can be intimidating and overwhelming. What are the best exercises for me? How […]

Train your brain to be happier and more content

Simple techniques to help you experience deeper joy, cheerful contentment, and unshakeable confidenc Let go of worries, fears, and frustrations! Discover the simple techniques to help Experience Deeper Joy, Cheerful Contentment, and Unshakeable Confidence The Positive Psychology Special Health Report includes: ✓ Find and magnify your inner strengths ✓ Defeat adversity with an attitude of gratitude ✓ Tap the […]

Don’t let back pain rule your life!

Harvard experts reveal the best ways to prevent and relieve back pain. Discover how to ease — and end — chronic back pain. Harvard Medical School brings you the essential guidance to achieve and maintain a pain-and-problem free back. Look forward to the joy and freedom of a healthy back once again! If you’ve ever said, […]

5 ways to de-stress and help your heart

      5 ways to de-stress and help your heart Got unhealthy heart habits? De-stressing is key to change Stress — whether from a traffic-choked daily commute, unhappy marriage, or heavy workload — can have real physical effects on the body. Stress that persists day in and day out, what doctors call chronic stress, […]

NEW on healthy eating from Harvard Health Publishing

    TOPIC OF THE DAY 6-Week Plan for Healthy Eating   High-protein snacks to build muscle and keep hunger at bay Getting enough protein in your diet is essential for building bones, muscles, and skin, and for proper functioning of all our body’s organs. In our youth we need it for growth and development, […]

The many roles of beta blockers

  WEEK IN REVIEW The many roles of beta blockers Since the 1960s, beta blockers have been the most effective medicines for treating and managing many heart diseases. Today, they are one of the most prescribed classes of drugs in the United States. “Beta blockers can treat a wide range of heart-related problems, and perhaps […]

Introducing Harvard Health’s New Online Learning Platform: ALL-ACCESS

      Explore, learn and thrive with unlimited health courses. EXCLUSIVE LAUNCH SPECIAL OFFER! Learn Anytime. Anywhere. Harvard Health Online Learning All-Access offers you access to a variety of health courses, interviews, brain games, meal planning and more… on any internet-connected device. There’s always something new. With our easy log-in, you can select any […]

END OF SUMMER SALE: Get 20% off any report from Harvard Health Publishing

    End of Summer Savings You Decide What’s on Sale! Save 20% off our low Preferred Customer price It’s the end of the summer season, and we have an unbeatable offer for you. You can shop for better health from the comfort of your own home — and you decide what’s on sale! Pick from more […]